Saturday, February 9, 2008

It's only been 9 months since my last post and I'm already posting again!

So, it's been 9 months since my last post. Certainly my life is not so boring to have nothing to post? Anyway, I'm trying to get up and going again so I will start by doing what MHN did: I shuffled the songs in my iPod and here are the first ten that come up:

1. "Momentum" by Aimee Mann from the Magnolia soundtrack

Great song from a great album. Of course, the album is very Aimee Mann-centric, so if you're not depressed when you start it, you will be by the end! Of course, this album also gets props for reminding me of Tom Cruise in the movie, where "his character" is a crazy motivational speaker (nothing like real life).

2. "I like It" by The Dixie Chicks from Taking the Long Way

What can I say? I heart my Chicks! They are so sassy and this is their best album EVER...especially if you've seen Shut Up and Sing, one of the best documentaries about sassy songstresses ever! (If you live in a bubble, you may not know that the Chicks were ostracized, personally attacked and even threatened by crazy rednecks and Toby Keith when they exercised their right to free speech at a concert in England and verbalized displeasure over President Bush's foreign policies).

3. "Grace is Gone" by Dave Mathews Band from The Lillywhite Sessions

I don't think I could do a shuffle of my 15,000 songs without a DMD song coming up. This has nothing to do with the song, but is my favorite DMB story. When my husband and I were dating, he took me back to Charlottesville, Virginia to stay with his grandparents in their modest home (OK, the home was actually an estate with a name -Woodlawn- was built by the builder of Montecello, and was on 100 acres). For a girl born, raised, schooled, and settled in the west, a home with a name is a big deal. Anyway, we're at dinner, and Grandpa Jim says "They sold the old Klugge estate to some sort of musician or something. Have you kids hear of this Dave Mathews fellow? Apparently he must be pretty good to be able to afford the Klugge property."

4. "Riga Girls" by the Weepies from Say I am You

I am not a huge music person. I enjoy it, and there's a lot of music I like, but I'm not one of those people who "discover" bands. I leave that for my cooler friends, and then steal their finds. Well, my very cool old friend KT from college always makes me the best mix CDs with new and interesting artists. My 30th birthday CD, appropriately entitled "30, Flirty, and Fabulous" included a great song from The Weepies that made me go out and buy the album right away (OK, I got on itunes and downloaded it).

5. "Lesson 6d" from disc 2 of Italian

We're going to Italy for 10 days in March. We're really excited because it's kind of a last hurrah, before he gradates from law school in May and we try to live more grown up lives. For reals. So I was at Border's last month going through the bargain bin (of course) and got a Fodor's guide book, language supplement, and six CD language lesson for $10. That's right, folks, I said $10! So, I thought, "Hey, I'm great with languages (or not), I'll learn Italian before I go to Italy in 8 long weeks." Let's just day I'm on lesson 3 of 35 and leave it at that.

6. "Delia's Gone" by Johnny Cash from American Recordings

There are a lot of songs on my iPod that I did not put there. Last spring, Finn, our youngest, ate Nick's iPod after taking it out of his zipped up back pack. (Nick stayed surprisingly calm). So, being the wonderful wife that I am, lent Nick my iPod for Mancation 2007, yet another summer trip to Alaska. Upon his return, I noticed that my iPod had about triple the songs on it. I have since taken off many of the songs, including most of the TuPac, but left the Johnny Cash. What can I say? I'm a sucker for a man in black.

7. "Sharing Song" by Jack Johnson from the Curious George soundtrack

I am actually not a huge Jack Johnson fan- I don't hate him, just rather indifferent. So why then do I own not one, but 2 Jack Johnson albums? That would be be because Nick can never remember that I am not a huge JJ fan, and keeps buying them for me. :)

8. "So Far Away" by The Dire Straits from Sultans of Swing, disc 1

I love the Dire Staits, and this little ditty is often over-looked for the equally romantic (if you like hookers) Romeo and Juliet.

9. "Burlesque de Don Quixote", from Sighs of Love for Dulcinea

I am not cultured enough to put this on my iPod. It is part of Nick's classical music repertiore that he put on my iPod. He doesn't think it's strange that he puts this lovely classical music piece next to Kanye. Ya.

10. "Better" by Regina Spektor from Begin to Hope

This whole album is fabulous. Besides the fact that it's just plain good, it evokes good memories of a really fun trip to Oregon wine country we took last January.

I am actually surprised that more embarrassing songs did not come up. I easily could have had to list some kickin' Air Supply or even "Barbie Girl" by Aqua (it's in my work-out mix). So, hopefully I will be blogging more, so check back soon!


Heidi said...

You're cracking me up, Jen. (See how I'm transitioning into calling you Jen instead of Jenny D? I'm trying!)

I'm glad you are a Chicks fan. It cracks me up that I never hear them on the radio anymore (I live in Texas, where people drive around with 'W--the President' bumper stickers.) Poor Chicks!

Alicia said...

I can't believe you took off the Tupac!

Mary said...

First, I am excited that you have a blog and, second, I am excited you are blogging again! Pretty impressive list.

Shopping's My said...

now see, this just goes to show it's all relative. because you are totally the first person i think of telling when i 'discover' some new singer/band/whatever...because you're MY "cooler friend" who always knows about bands before i do.

fabulous second post. can't wait to see #3...sometime in 2009, perhaps?

k8 said...

aw!! i'm so glad that you love The Weepies! They are a delight.