Sunday, August 31, 2008

Giving birth to Joe Dirt

So, Nick wants me to post at least one last time prior to birthing this monster, so I will. I am to the point where I am so uncomfortable, the thought of two more days is horrible, and the thought of two more weeks is unfathomable. Each day I seem to lose (semi)permanent feeling in another digit - totally bizarre.

Anyway, we had an ultrasound last Thursday and the radiologist said given the size and development of the baby (8lbs-ish and totally developed- functioning, breathing and the like), she would put our due date at Sept. 4 - that's just four short days away. I'm actually OK with that because 1) the very important gear I ordered should be arriving via UPS on Tuesday or Wednesday, and 2) I need just a couple more days at work to clear off my desk to the point where I am comfortable abandoning my co-workers for 3 months.

Also at our ultrasound we of course saw the baby again. I'm with a big HMO, so no fancy 3D pictures for me! We were kind of expecting to "see" the baby- you know, see what he looks like, but that was not the case. Our ultrasound tech was able to point out the short little hairs on top of his head (hello, heartburn)! But wait, then she pointed out the longer hairs on the back of his head....What? Short on the top, long in the back? Could it be? Could our sweet, precious baby boy be an 80s throw-back with a mullett? But of course! This goes along with the other messages karma has been sending me throughout my pregnancy...make fun of cankles? You're sure to get them by the end of your pregnancy. Brag about how easy your pregancy is and how lucky you are? The last month is sure to be a nightmare. Finally, set as your favortie website 10 whole years ago and give birth to Joe Dirt! Oh well.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

My Big Fat Irish Baby

Yikes! I went to the doctor early last week, right at my 34 week mark, and measured 38 centimeters! This is no typo, and if you don't know what this means, at 34 weeks I should be measuring between 32 and 36 inches. The doctor was dead silent for a moment and then asked me if there were lots of big babies in my family. Great.

In other news about how big my stomach is, at my shower last weekend my adorable 7 year old niece guessed my belly to be double the size it actually is! Thanks, Olivia!

So, what do you think? Will the baby be early, or late, or on time? My due date is September 17, which seems like a lifetime away...Vote in the poll or leave your comments here!