Monday, July 7, 2008

Baby classes

So, I realize that this blog is quickly morphing into "all baby, all the time," but that's pretty much what our lives are morphing into (except for that pesky bar exam thingy). So, this holiday weekend Nick tore himself away from secured transactions and limited partnerships to spend a relaxing 5th of July taking a break from his a birthing class.

This is the second full day of classes we have taken the first was a marathon a few weeks ago that included the informative Newborn Prep, the eye-opening Breast Feeding Prep, and the I-hope we-never-have-to-use Infant Safety/CPR. Child Birth class was eye opening to say the least. We learned A LOT. Maybe too much. There really were things I just didn't want to know and more things I definitely just didn't want to see. My theory is that by the time the baby comes, I'll be so ready to not be pregnant anymore, I won't care how he comes out! So here is my top three list of things I wish I hadn't seen:

1. The number one thing I could have died without ever seeing is the "birth" of the placenta. I do not plan to watch mine- why would I want to watch someone else deliver their placenta? The placenta is disgusting. And huge. And while I know it serves an essential biological purpose for the well being of the baby, really? A big, meaty, throbbing purple thing? No thank you.

2. We also watched a video- a montage if you will - of women in the mid-stages of natural birth. The sounds coming from many of these women were unnatural. For a while, I thought I was watching video of the psych ward. Really. Makes an epidural much more attractive, and also illustrates why we will not be videotaping the birth!

3. The other thing I did not need to see is my instructor demonstrating Kegel exercises. Can you even see anything? No. So please don't point towards that general direction. (No disrespect meant towards our instructor- who was awesome- it was just SO much to take in).

Baby classes came and went so quickly- I hope we remember everything when the baby comes (maybe not everything).


Jamie said...

A big agreement on no taping of the birth.

Heidi said...

I used to have a workout tape where they would indicate that we should be doing Kegels by opening and closing their fist. That was freaky, too. Maybe there's just no good way to demonstrate a Kegel.

Beth Zarling said...

Kate thought I would want to have her tape the birth. NO WAY. I want to live the dream that I was quiet, peaceful, in control, and beautiful while it all went on.
Our birth lady had us all do Kegels together at once. That was weird. 30 seconds of silence while everyone Kegels....

Shopping's My said...

you know, on the one hand, i think i'd be dying with curiousity...sort of like how you feel before you take the bar.

but on the other hand, i think there's a reason no one tells women this stuff until they're already knocked up. and as you said, i think i'd be happier in oblivion. you think your doctor just chalks you up to "bad parent" if you say you have no interest in the birthing classes? "is there a class on the many painkilling drugs i'll have at my disposal, doctor?"

k8 said...

you know what i never needed to see? that crowning scene in Knocked Up. Might keep me celibate for life.

Monica said...

Hi Jen! I saw your blog from Mary and Katie's blogs. Congratulations on your upcoming arrival! And I agree - a birthing video is way too intense. I'm sure your husband wasn't too impressed either.