Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Graduating from law school...twice!

Nick graduated from law school on May 17th at Safeco Field. I know this was his weekend, but I couldn't help but be just a little proud of my accomplishment: I have now graduated from law school not once, but twice. Besides my little known law school graduation in 2002, it is apparently even more revered to survive three years as a "law school widow." This was a theme not only in the speeches given by the speakers, but in the personal congratulations we received. Apparently the people "congratulating" me were not aware that I have been practicing law myself for almost 6 years now, and, were not aware of the little known secret that the only thing worse than being the spouse of a law student is being the spouse of a lawyer (especially the first few years of practice).

So, that being said, congratulations to Nick, for getting through the nightmare of law school with (relative) grace and (inappropriate) humor, and for surviving living in a home with me through my first years of practice (affectionately dubbed "the alcoholic years"). Also please pray for me, as Nick begins studying for the bar exam and I am seven months pregnant- I'm not yet sure which of us will be more hormonal.


Jamie said...

Congratulations Nick (and Jen!)

Shopping's My said...

great big congrats to both of you - it's a major accomplishment all the way around.

and i'm not taking any bets on who will be more hormonal...i'm scared one of you will beat me up! :)

Heidi said...

Ha. You'll win in the hormone department.

Denise said...

Congrats to both of you! I hope all goes well with the pregnancy - little boys are so fun!

k8 said...

big congrats Nick!!!and good luck to both you during the bar studying phase-i hear it's SUPER fun.